Tuesday, June 19, 2012

2 states, 300 miles in 3 days

Add Brenda from the Providence Baptist Church and fire chief David as two new friends of our ride. Brenda was stuck in traffic behind Bobbie's van (she always rides directly behind us with the banner on the back so people know there are riders ahead) and when I pulled into the church parking lot looking for a public restroom for Diane, Brenda pulled in directly behind us. If she didn't come by, noone would have answered the knocking on the door. So, not only did everyone get a bathroom break, but she got us more ice for our coolers and bottles and boy did we need it today.
Diane is dehydrated and decided not to finish the last 15 miles today, riding in with Bobbie to the hotel. At dinner she was cold, not a good sign. But she drank and drank tonight so she should be okay in the morning.
As for Fire Chief David, he suggested we take a detour from the shortcut to Georgetown, which added 9 miles to the route. But he said the road was nothing but bumps and we wouldn't like the ride, especially on bikes.
No body flagged us down today to hand us money. In fact, we received nothing in donations today from people we met. That's okay. We handed out 10 cards and told them about websites and how to make donations if they would like to support the MMRF.
Today's picture comes to you courtesy of a car repair shop outside Walterboro. We were riding past it when I saw it and had to stop and get the picture. If you haven't seen the movie Cars, you won't recognize Towmater. Unfortunately, the 1950s tow truck doesn't have an engine but the man I spoke with said he has one coming and is going to restore the truck.

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